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Working during treatment - Dialysis Tips

May 3, 2024

2 min read



My work has been amazing with all my appts and surgeries but having to go to dialysis 3 days a week, in the middle of the day, meant I couldn’t go into the office.  The office is a 32-mile trip from home (or an hour travel time).  The dialysis center is a 3-mile drive that takes about 5 minutes.

I contacted the company nurse and told her about my situation.  She advised me to file for a medical accommodation so I could work remotely, meaning at the dialysis center, hospital or the doctor’s office.  She sent me the paperwork and filled it out, describing all my issues, and the days/times I needed to be remote.  I obtained letters from my doctors outlining my conditions and supporting documentation about the treatments and times.

I submitted the paperwork, and it was reviewed by a committee that offered approval for 6 months to work remote.  After 6 months, I will need to refile and get approval again.

Now I strongly recommend, if you can work during dialysis, keep working.  Work during treatment.  It’s 4 hours of time you can spend being productive.  Most people sleep during treatment.  It’s too noisy in there to sleep!  Working motivates me and gives me a purpose.  I can see depression setting in if I wasn’t able to work. 

Before treatment I make sure to have my computer set up with my headset.  Unfortunately, there is not a table, but I’ve mastered balancing the computer on my legs and can use the mouse pad like a pro now.  It’s still a little loud when I’m on conference calls – that’s the only downside.  But it definitely makes the time go fast.

Working at Dialysis
Working at Dialysis

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