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Packing up for Dialysis - Dialysis Tips

May 19, 2024

1 min read



When I go to dialysis, I take a lot of stuff with me.  I have a blanket, pillow, heating pad for my shoulders, arm warmers, my purse (which is fairly big and heavy) and my backpack with my computer and accessories for work. I also bring lunch and a coat/jacket for when it’s cold. Since my fistula surgery, there is no way to carry all of that into the center by myself.

I repurposed a “wagon” I was using to carry scrapbook items into crops, into my dialysis cart.  I always keep some items in it and it stays in the back of my car, so I don’t forget those standard items which is everything except my purse and backpack. 

I would see people carrying their blankets in, some dragging on the floor.  Or, some would put their blankets in a bag but getting it back in the bag was a challenge.  With my wagon, I have plenty of room for everything.  I park it next to my dialysis chair and I can roll it back and forth to reach things easier.

It is a little heavy lifting it to and from the car.  Right now, it works because I still have a catheter and they not accessing my fistula yet.  I’ll have to see if this is still doable in the future. 

Wagon to carry essentials
Wagon to carry essentials

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