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Lower your phosphate - Dialysis Tips

May 13, 2024

1 min read



Every month the dialysis center does a specific set of blood tests.  One is a phosphate test.  I knew nothing about phosphate. Now I know that good phosphate control helps keep bones and the heart healthy. 

My first test on phosphate came back at 11.  Well, that was horrible.  The range for a good phosphate should be between 3.5 and 4.5.  So how could I get it under control?

I quickly learned that the worst foods to eat included cheese, beans, avocados, potatoes, nuts, oranges, dairy and well, pretty much every packaged food.  The first three ingredients are in all Mexican dishes! If I had to stop eating those, how will I survive???   I love cheese! 

The dietician suggested a cheese called Chao Creamery by Field Roast.  It is a plant based, non dairy, “cheese” that looks, and is supposed to taste, exactly like cheese.   Well, I thought I would give it a try.

This stuff is amazing!!  I use it all the time and haven’t missed cheese since.  It even melts.  It comes shredded or sliced and I found it at Kroger.  I highly recommend this stuff! 

Most of the other stuff that is high in phosphate I’ve just eliminated from my diet.  I really haven’t missed them at all.  I always make a conscious effort now to read the labels.  It’s hard to take the time to do it but it will pay off. 

I’m happy to say that over the 5 months since I’ve started watching my phosphate, my tests has dropped from an 11 to a 4.5.

Chao Creamery Plant Based cheese
Chao Creamery Plant Based cheese

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