Dialysis Diva Warrior
One treatment at a time!
My name is Michele. I'm a 54 year old female, but my body probably thinks it's 70. I've had my share of medical issues.....and because of those issues and how I've chosen to live my life, I'm now finding myselt at the dialysis center 3 times a week, 4 hours a day. During treatments, I think about what I've been through, what's coming, all the questions I had, and the many questions I STILL have about this dialysis process. It's scary, and reading about it on the internet makes you crazy and even more scared. But, there came a point in time where I finally accepted my decline. After that, I was like a bull in a china shop and starting running full steam into my destiny, no matter what it is. My approach to all of this medical drama is to deal with things as they come and get some things to make myself more comfortable along the way. I wanted to start a blog to share with others what has worked for me during dialysis but, it's also an outlet to bitch and moan when I need to.